Managed File Transfer Software Comparison

Comparing Managed File Transfer Services With Filemail
managed file transfer software comparison

File Sharing Software For Enterprises

The rise of cloud based Managed File Transfer software, is in direct response to enterprises that need file transferring capabilities with additional requirements. 

Due to the volume of data, and an ever demanding environment, old solutions based on the file transfer protocol (ftp) cannot provide the speed, nor the security, nor the demands set by governments.

Comparing multiple mft services

Secure Managed File Transfers

Large corporations must handle sensitive data with the utmost facilitation of data security, auditable file transfer activity, and regulatory and legislative compliance. There are a multitude of MFT software and services, which offer secure and efficient data transfer.

An issue you'll find with our competitors is, they have so many features that don't have anything to do with transferring files. So, you pay for things you don't use nor need.

secure data transfer

Enhanced Administrative Control

Additionally, you’ll find some common features, such as administrative control, but the efficacy and robustness of these various features can vary. Some of these features maybe procured as an add-on, some are included, so let’s take a look at the Managed File Transfer solutions landscape.

administrative control

The Managed File Transfer Software We Compared


$40 a user / month
Starting at $7500Custom PricingStarting at $10400Custom PricingCustom Pricing$105 (3 Users) + $35 Add User / Month
Storage Capacity5 TB / User (More on request)Not Included250 GB60 TBNot IncludedUnlimitedUnlimited
Files AvailableConfigurable?ConfigurableConfigurableConfigurableConfigurableConfigurable
Max File SizeUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited4 GB (Browser) 20 GB (AS2)100 GB5 GB
UDP File Transfer AccelerationCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedUncheckedUnchecked
Unlimited BandwidthCheckedCheckedCheckedUncheckedCheckedUncheckedChecked
Delivery TrackingCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedChecked
Encrypted Data TransferCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedChecked
Anti Virus ProtectionCheckedUncheckedUncheckedCheckedUncheckedUncheckedChecked
Password ProtectionCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedChecked
Custom SubdomainCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedChecked
Customization & BrandingCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedChecked
Address BookCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedChecked
Upload Form On Your WebsiteCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedUncheckedChecked
Receive FilesCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedChecked
Auto DownloadCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedUncheckedChecked
Multi-User Multi-Admin AccountCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedChecked
Choose Data LocationChecked??Checked?CheckedUnchecked
Priority SupportCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedUncheckedCheckedChecked
Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, APICheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedChecked
2 Factor AuthenticationCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedChecked
SAML / SSOCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedCheckedChecked
Regulatory ComplianceCheckedUncheckedUncheckedUncheckedUncheckedCheckedUnchecked
Multiple Incoming PagesCheckedUncheckedUncheckedUncheckedUnchecked?Unchecked
Access To Pentetration TestsCheckedUncheckedUncheckedUncheckedUnchecked?Unchecked
FilemailSigniant AlternativeAccellion AlternativeAspera AlternativeGlobalScape AlternativeDropBox AlternativeBox Alternative
What Makes Us Stand Apart

Key Benefits Of A Filemail MFT Enterprise Account

Robust Administration & Authentication

Our robust set of tools promote declaration, authentication and privileges for users and files. As an administrator you thoroughly control which users can access which files, and what they can do.

Get Up & Running In Minutes

Many enterprise MFT's require considerable configuration and assistance, which you pay for. With our service you'll be sending files and receiving them in no time, and in just as secure a manner.

Custom Filemail UDP For Fast Transfer

Our custom transfer protocol uses and enhances UDP (User Datagram Protocol). You'll get speeds of up to 200 times faster than transfer methods based on TCP, such as FTP and HTTP.

Full Compliant Tracking & Audit Trails

Our rigorous auditing module means you'll know what, when, and how many times an event or action occurred. You'll have a complete audit trail adhering to various legal and industry requirements.

Enterprise-Grade Software Without The Enterprise-Grade Price
Test Filemail With A 7-Day Trial
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MFT's & The Mandates They Can Help You Comply With

There are many regulatory and legislative mandates that govern what you can and cannot do with personally identifiable information, financial records, and other forms of data. It is imperative that MFT solutions adhere to various protocols to ensure you can securely transfer files, while abiding with the laws.

The table below shows what mandates the various secure managed file transfer providers comply with.

compliant file transfer comparison
ISLP Audit ToolsChecked?UncheckedUncheckedUncheckedUncheckedUnchecked

Collaborating & Sharing With Filemail

SpareBank Nord-Norge
Bull House Media
Australian Film Commission
United States Olympic Committee
The College Of Legal Practice
Clear  Channel
British Film Institute
Client Testimonials

What Our Customers Say

I have used Filemail for several months and find it very easy to use. It solved problems we have here at the bank when we need to send large files. The platform also provides a secure way to send confidential information back and forth between the bank and our customers.

Bruce Fairbank
Labette Bank

We make VoiceBooks and short documentaries here in Finland. Filemail dot com is defenately a very reliable route to send files to our clients all over the world... and quite affordable, too ;)

Tero Juhani Kojo
KunaLoop Corporation OY LTD

We have been using Filemail for several years with great satisfaction. It is a very fast service, especially with the Filemail Desktop application, both for uploading and for downloading. Furthermore you can easily upload files over 2 GB and the localization in Italian makes everything easy and immediate.

Fabio Dondina
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